Wide Selection Of Fixed Deposit To Suit Every Need
Choose from a range of Fixed Deposit as per your requirements of safety, interest.

Fixed, Assured, Stable Returns
Fixed deposit offers the safety and regular interest to your portfolio

Tax saving Fixed Deposit
Fixed deposit done for more than 5 years offers the tax benefit U/S 80C

Why Corporate Fixed Deposit?

High Returns
Corporate fixed deposit offers higher returns than most bank’s fixed deposit

Chose corporate FD as per your preference of interest pay-out such as monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, yearly

Enjoy better liquidity with corporate Fixed deposit.

Lower Risk
Highly regulated by RBI and MCA ensure lower risk
Things To Consider Before Investing in Corporate Fixed Deposit

Credit Rating
Opt for higher-rated corporate FDs based on its credit rating which indicates the underlying risk of the company.

Company Background
Assess a company’s business viability by referring to its Financial Statements, Management Discussion and Analysis.

Repayment History
Companies repayment history helps to determine company’s credit score, credibility and stability.